Good news! I'm alive. It's been quite a while since I last posted, but I think everything is almost back to normal. Since my last entry, I've celebrated some birthdays, traveled to Chicago for Lollapalooza, hosted a 17th annual slumber party, worked a ton, visited Colorado's first Ikea, and moved out of my wee studio and into a new place with my friend Molly. Phew! Tonight has really been the first time in weeks that I've had the chance to hit the gym, make a healthy dinner, relax, and update this blog!
Until I get the chance to grocery shop for my new place, here are just some fun things I've been loving recently:
I just finished reading Food Rules by Michael Pollan, and have now started on Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. If you're interested in what you consume, both books are fantastic. Food Rules is elegantly simple, and straight forward- a collection of fun suggestions for all your eating habits. Each and every rule makes perfect sense, leaving the reader empowered and excited about eating well. Eating Animals, on the other hand, takes a different approach at the food concept. Jonathan Safran Foer is an amazing writer, and his literary voice really shines in this novel. However, if you are faint of heart, be warned, because there is a lot of gruesome information on factory farms- far more than I anticipated. Depending on what you're looking for, both are good books, but very different ones, indeed.
Speaking of eating, I've had almost no chance to cook these past 2 weeks, but have been pleasantly surprised to still be able to find some tasty meat-free treats. Among all the burgers, pepperoni pizzas, and chicken burritos at Lollapalooza, I was super excited to find tons of vegetarian options. In fact, Crescent foods, was completely meat free! Big kudos to you Lolla :)

It was a rowdy weekend filled with fantastic music. One of the big sponsers is always Budweiser, and even though too much beer guzzling makes me feel terrible, it's at least nice to know it's vegan friendly! I've recently discovered Barnivore, and I'm completely fascinated by what's in my favorite cocktails. It's actually quite surprising :/
Anway, I could ramble on all night, but it's time to get to bed. I can't wait to organize our kitchen, pick up some produce, and start making more delicious food! More fun to come, I promise :)
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