Happy Valentine's Day! Today I'd just like to share a few things that I'm loving right now:

Also, I'm absolutely obsessed with these free downloadable Valentines from Samantha Hahn. I spent far too much time this morning, downloading them, and e-mailing them to my friends! I thought my 3D hologram dinosaur valentines were pretty cool, but I adore these.

I also adore the phenomenal candies from fahrenheit goods. My boyfriend got me orange and olive oil caramels from this store and they are ridiculously delicious! Everything there is handmade with natural ingredients, and I love that it's locally made too- yay Denver! He couldn't have picked out a better gift for me. I just hope that he liked the nutella bacon that I made for him. Who knew a veggie-enthusiast and a carnivore could get along so well :)
Finally, my parents sent me this article a few days ago from the Denver Post. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has recently acknowledged how beneficial a plant-based vegetarian or vegan diet can be for you!
"The new guidelines devote two full pages to vegetarian and vegan diets and the health benefits of following these eating patterns. They point out that these diets provide nutritional advantages and reduce obesity, heart disease and overall mortality."
I love it! Articles like this provide more information and better awareness, which will hopefully some day lead to healthier, happier people all over! A healthy, happy Valentine's Day to you & your loved ones! :)
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